Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Edible Communities Magazine

Name: Edible Communities Magazine

Location: 33 Cities in the USA, and Canada

Years: 2002- present

Founded by: Tracey Ryder and Carole Topalian

The mission of Edible Communities, Inc. (ECI) is to transform the way consumers shop for, cook, eat and relate to local food. Through its printed publications, websites and events, ECI strives to connect consumers with local growers, retailers, chefs and food artisans, enabling those relationships to grow and thrive in a mutually beneficial, healthful and economically viable way. A network of 33 regional magazines that offers culinary news tailored to where they are published, placing strong emphasis on local and sustainable food practices.




1 comment:

  1. Hi. Your numbers are off. We have more than 50 in the US and Canada.

    Kurt Friese
    Edible Iowa
